
How Would You Know… If you are ready for the great Upheaval?

Ask yourself: How would I know whether or not I am at risk?

I take inspiration from the question asked by the head of one of the most successful companies in America:

“ When you are at the top of the world, the most powerful nation on earth, the most successful company in your industry, the best player in your game, your very power and success might cover up the fact that you’re already on the path to decline. So how would you know?” 

This is the question that inspired the book, How the Mighty Fall by Jim Collins.

The book, published in 2009, drew on the abundance of recent real-life case studies of successes and failures from which to learn. 

You may want to read the book – a very valuable investment of your time – because you can get into the details of the causes of decline and the various pathways to recovery.  However, if you want the shortest of short answers. I quote Jim Collins:

“Whether you prevail or fail, endure or die, depends on what you do to yourself rather than on what the world does to you!”

If you want an answer to “How would you know?” talk to us about booking a session to play The Game of Consequences.  In less than a day, you can change the way you and your people think and act. 

Wondering whether or not you need to act now? Read How the Mighty Fall, or you could book a Discovery Meeting with me.

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